School requirements
Admission fee of | 50,000/= |
Day scholars ‘O’ Level | 300,000/= lunch inclusive |
Day Scholars ‘A’ Level | 300,000/= lunch inclusive |
Boarders(S1-S3) | 800,000/= per term |
Boarders(S4-S6) | 950,000/= per term |
School Uniform | 255,000/= 2 pairs ( 1 skirt/trouser, 1 shirt, 1 tie, 1 sweater, 1 casual T-shirt &Class T-shirt ) and a sports wear |
Identity card | 15,000/- payable once on registration |
Medical, insurance and saloon DIT 50,000/=
| 45000/= |
- 2 Dozens of Black Books
- 1 Geometry set,
- An Oxford English Dictionary,
- 1 Bible/Quran,
- 1 Scientific Calculator
- 1 Graph book.
- Art book
- At least 2 Pairs of Black shoes,
- At least 2 pairs of white stocking for girls,
- At least 2 pairs of blue/black socks and a black leather belt for boys,
- At least 2 Blackskirts/Trouser
- Red T-shirts obtained from school. No other clothing apart from those prescribed shall be accepted at school.
- A blanket
- A towel
- At least 2 night dresses
- 1 shaver
- At least 2 pairs of bed sheets
- At least3 bars of washing soap and bathing soap
- 1 jerry can
- 1 basin/bucket
- 4 packets of sanitary pads
- 1 knife
- 1 sawing needle
- 1 packet of razor blades
- Enough knickers
- Enough pet coats
School Needs

- 3000/= for pass port photos and 1 passport photo for the parent/guardian.
- Visitation card 3000/=
- 1 spring file
- 1 ream of paper of WHITE MOON for S.1, S.2, S.3 , 4 and one ream of ruled paper for S.5 and S.6
- 6 rolls of toilet paper
- 1 Scrubbing brush {choose one}
- 1 Squeezer
- 4 brooms (2 soft& 2 hard)
- A Pair of Gum boots
- slasher
- 1 hoe