About Us

Who we are

Friends academy was founded by a Ugandan UK based group in collaboration with a team of senior, fore-sighted, result oriented and highly professional teachers as center of excellence to meet local and global educational challenges

MISSION: To provide education which equips and empowers the mind and the intellect of the learner with knowledge and skills to meet local and global challenges.

VISION: To produce skilled, motivated and disciplined students who will ably take on higher tasks.the emphasis therefore is on the 3 hs (head,heart& hands)

School core values:

  • God fearing
  • Self respect, for humanity and environment
  • Excellency and integrity
  • Honesty, justice and fairness
  • Hardwork for self-reliance
  • Creativity and innovativeness
  • Zero tolerance to corruption and cheating
  • Smartness, positive ambition and determination

Praise be to the ever-loving God for the gift of life, protection and all blessings showered upon Friends Academy. We shall always glorify His Holy name. I wish to call every stake holders’ attention to the hidden power in collective responsibility and accountability. It is very appropriate in a school setting as it calls for every stake holder’s input and contribution towards the development of the school. Each one of us can make a big difference if we choose to believe in ourselves and never to give up. 

Quitters never win and winners never quit. Bill Richardson once said:”we cannot accomplish all that we need to do without working together.” I believe that everyone has got diverse talents, skills and experiences, and if assembled together we can achieve what one cannot alone. If you think that you are too small to make a difference, you have obviously never been in bed with a mosquito. I may equate Friends Academy to a band. Band members have a special bond. It is like a highly specialized army unit, or a winning sports team where a unique combination of elements become stronger than apart.(Steven Van Zandt) We strongly have to stand together as a team to propel Friends Academy to greater heights. 

The stakeholders-include The Directors: These have at heart the wellbeing of the Academy. They give both the moral and financial support. The Board of Governors chaired by Mr.Mukasa Mwanje which lights the way that we follow. The general direction of the institution is very clear. The Administration led by M/s Nabankema Specioza formulates policies and programs to move the Academy towards the direction set by the Board of Governors. They are always on ground to supervise and monitor the implementation of the programs. The staff: This comprises of highly qualified personnel, each with different skills, knowledge and experiences all brought together in harmony. The parents: These are the heartbeat of the school, without them financing the programs of the school life can be very difficult.

Head Teacher's message